Adding life to years
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City Of Culver City

City Of Culver City

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City Of Culver City  United States of America
Print this page City population: 4000014.9 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Culver City has a Senior Center which offers many programs for community members age 50+. These programs provide activities that are recreational, social, and intellectual, such as language, fitness, computer classes and volunteer opportunities. The City’s working group will ensure that older adults are involved in the program development process. Culver City has formed a working group comprised of representatives of each City department, as well as two elected officials. The goal of this group is to identify opportunities and strategize on implementation. This working group will proactively engage older adults in this process. The City of Culver City provides excellent services to its community members and is respected by its peer cities. We believe that our membership within the AARP Netwrok of Age-Friendly Communities can be beneficial by encouraging other cities within our region to join. In addition, we already offer a number of age-friendly services and programs. So we believe that we will be able to transition smoothly through the various outlined phases.

Culver City has a Senior Center which offers many programs for community members age 50+. These programs provide activities that are recreational, social, and intellectual, such as language, fitness, computer classes and volunteer opportunities. The City’s working group will ensure that older adults are involved in the program development process. Culver City has formed a working group comprised of representatives of each City department, as well as two elected officials. The goal of this group is to identify opportunities and strategize on implementation. This working group will proactively engage older adults in this process. The City of Culver City provides excellent services to its community members and is respected by its peer cities. We believe that our membership within the AARP Netwrok of Age-Friendly Communities can be beneficial by encouraging other cities within our region to join. In addition, we already offer a number of age-friendly services and programs. So we believe that we will be able to transition smoothly through the various outlined phases.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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