Adding life to years
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Citrus County

Citrus County

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Citrus County  United States of America
Print this page City population: 14572144 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

We have several Divisions within County Government that provide services that are age friendly. The Support Services Division provides congregate and home delivered meals, community centers, facility and in‐home services to seniors, retired and senior volunteer program, outreach and nutrition education to seniors and holds an annual Healthy Living Fair. The Library Services Division has several activities geared toward senior citizens. They have multiple classes that foster Community Support and Health (including free physical movement classes, partnering with CHIPS and SHINE, partnering with “Coping With Dementia” and local medical professionals); provide access to communication and Information for seniors, holding regular classes and workshops on health, technology and safety for seniors, as well as social inclusion with various activities and volunteerism; foster civic participation and employment through multiple partnerships and social participation through various activities and are continually developing new programs.

The Extension Services division provides a number of education outreach activities, including “A Matter of Balance” program that promotes physical activity as a means of prevent falls, particularly
with the senior population. The County is a bicycle‐friendly community and has consistently supported improvements that include sidewalks, multi‐use trails and bike lanes, or a combination of each to be constructed along with the road and the County adopted a Trails Master Plan to augment the system. The Housing Division works closely with developers of affordable public housing units for Seniors, utilizing grant funding to assist and monitor for affordable rents, cleanliness, operable appliances and accessibility for the next 20 years. They also renovate / replace homes, including 3 recent that were for senior women that were heads of household with special needs / disability and give Section 8 priority to seniors and veterans.

There has also been 3 new Independent / Assisted Living facilities just recently built within the County. Support Services, Veterans Services and Housing all make home visits to seniors that are not able to drive in order to provide assistance. The Transportation Division changed their criteria and now all citizens over the age of 60 are eligible for Transportation Disadvantaged. There are para-transit
trips available to get them where they need to go as well as a Deviated Fixed Route system. The Parks and Recreation Division has multiple community centers that include pool tables, ping pong, gym equipment in a/c facility, modified tennis courts for pickleball, senior fitness swim, aerobics, paved walking trails that are pet friendly, boat ramps and fishing piers and indoor walking. The parks and buildings are ADA accessible and the swimming pool offers a ramp for wheel chair access. The Animal Services Division has volunteer opportunities for all ages, skill sets and physical abilities to include seniors. They are planning a seniors for seniors program that would include waiving adoption fees for seniors who adopt senior animals.

The County Health Department completed a Community Health
Assessment a couple of years ago and more recently an Age Friendly Survey. They have instituted several practices, including Immunizations, Environmental Public Health, Public Health Preparedness, Community Health & Outreach‐ Healthiest Weight, Birth & Death Certificates and Tobacco Free Florida Cessation Services. The County also works with the Health Department during disasters to assist special needs and seniors in our shelters. The Sheriff’s office includes the Emergency Operations Center for Disasters. They most recently partnered with Duke, Friends of the
Community Centers and County staff to provide Disaster Kits and presentations to our seniors at the community centers and materials for our home-bound seniors. They also have a “Seniors vs Crime” program and encourage seniors to volunteer. The County also is involved with multiple outside agencies that support programs for seniors, including the YMCA for example. The YMCA has multiple programs that benefit seniors in our community.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan