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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Chopinzinho  Brazil
Print this page City population: 1925412.58 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Chopinzinho is a town located in the Southwest Paraná. The town has an area of approximately 370,137 square miles and an estimated population of 19,254 inhabitants and in which roughly 2,414 are older adults. About 65.95% of the population belongs to the urban area and 34.05% to the rural area, even so, it is a municipality with rural characteristics and the agriculture is one of the main sources of income. The aging of population is one of the greatest achievements of humanity. The age distribution of the Brazilian population has an expressive number of older people. This brings great challenges to society, especially in the legislation and implementation of public policies which allow older adults to have an active, healthy aging, through maintenance of functional ability, autonomy and independence, thus improving their wellbeing. To understand this phenomenon, it is also necessary to understand the specific demands of this age group. In this context of building a age friendly society, awareness of population is key so individuals can act with commitment and understanding the adversities associated with aging. Older adults should not live isolated, their wellbeing is associated with their participation in the community and also impacted by social changes. The town of Chopinzinho under the perspective of current demographic situation, through this project understands the need to guarantee the protection to older adults. It comprehends planning, execution and accomplishment of actions. The intention is to achieve together with partners a complex set of actions regarding the needs of older adults, such as income, health, housing, services improvement as well as implementation of new ones. The demands presented by the older adult population, the reality of services, the guidelines and principles of the National Policy for Older Adults and the municipal laws that guide actions in this area, which may be altered,  can be redefined and renegotiated whenever necessary.


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