Adding life to years
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Chilgok-gun (Chilgok Community)

Chilgok-gun (Chilgok Community)

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Chilgok-gun (Chilgok Community)  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 11750421.1 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

A summary of legislation and enactment of contents for the welfare of older citizens includes;

  • Ordinance on the Formation of an Age-Friendly City in Chilgok-gun
  • Ordinance on the Promotion of Welfare for the older people in Chilgok-gun
  • Ordinance on the Installation and Operation of Welfare Funds for older people in Chilgok-gun
  • Ordinance on the Prevention and Support of Solicitors for the older people living alone in Chilgok-gu

Policies of Chilgok Concerning Welfare for the Elderly

  • The vision of the local social security plan in Chilgok-gun: “Happy Chilgok to Share and Enjoy the Value of Life’.
  • Promotion Strategies of the local social security plan in Chilgok-gun: ‘Reinforce the Capacity and Communication of  Responsibilities’; ‘Expansion of Family-Friendly Services’;
  • ‘Establish a Community Care System’; ‘Assurance of Support System’

* Out of the total 30 projects within the ‘Regional Social Security Plan (2019-2022)’in Chilgok-gun, 17 projects related to older citizens are being planned and implemented.

Current Progress for Establishing an Age-Friendly City of Chilgok

  • June 2018 : One of the county’s campaign promises for the Chilgok is the “Certification of the Age Friendly City.“
  • December 2018: Legislation and Ordinance of Age-Friendly Cities
  • May 2019 : Launched a research service for the creation of an aging-friendly city for Chilgok-gun
  • July-August 2019 : Survey for Aging-Friendly Diagnosis
  • September 2019 : FGI for Elderly Group, Citizen Group, Expert Group
  • October 2019 : Announcement of the Results of Aging-Friendly city in Chilgok County, and Monitoring of Senior Citizens Group

The purpose of the welfare policy for older citizens in Chilgok-gun is to identify age-related priorities included in ‘the local social security plan (2019-2022)’ of Chilgok-gun. To that effect a total of 17 projects within the ‘Regional Social Security Plan (2019-2022)’ were identified as addressing the needs of older adults and have been planned and implemented. Projects target a variety of areas including; increasing communication, the ‘Expansion of Family-Friendly Services’, ‘Establishment of a Community Care System’; and the ‘Assurance of Support Systems’.