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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Chatham-Kent  Canada
Print this page City population: 10360025 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Chatham-Kent supports older adults in a myriad of ways. This includes through financial support such as tax exemptions, lease agreements, in-kind agreements and grants, to our eleven independently operated “Seniors” Centres; and financial supports for area Senior’s Games and annual Seniors Information Fairs. Administration is presently reviewing the needs of the Centres to ensure they can grow to meet the needs of an expanding elder population.

The Municipality empowers older residents through a Senior Advisory Committee (SAC), a Committee of Council, that educates and advises Council and community partners on new or ongoing priorities affecting the quality of life for senior residents of the Municipality. Municipal representation is included on this committee and provides the committee with a modest operating budget and access to departmental resources as requested.

The Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit supports older adults by education, awareness and skill building programs for prevention of falls in older adults. These interventions further include presentations on healthy aging and injury prevention for community groups, a mobile falls prevention clinic and a social marketing, communication and media campaigns. The clinic offers individualized recommendations to participants, and as appropriate, refer participants to community programs and other health services.

The Municipality’s Official Plan supports older adults through accessible and inclusive built environments, transportation, community gardens and park areas.

The Municipality assisted the SAC during development of the Age Friendly program through staff support to various committees and help with development of the survey tools and assessment of the data. On, June 15, 2015, Council unanimously supported the recommendations in the Age Friendly Action Plan and instructed Administration investigate means by which each department can contribute.

Age-friendly Chatham-Kent: The 2015 Community Action Plan

Age-Friendly Chatham-Kent: Video Clip


Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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