Adding life to years
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Charleston, West Virginia

Charleston, West Virginia

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Charleston, West Virginia  United States of America
Print this page City population: 4973629 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

The City of Charleston has already embraced many community policies, programs and services that are targeted toward older people that will be enhanced and augmented through its age-friendly plan that include, but are not limited to: increasing the walkability of the city for all ages and abilities – utilizing curb cuts, timed crosswalk signals, and putting the City on a road diet by decreasing speed limits and increasing walkable routes; increasing green spaces where residents of all ages can gather, exercise and enjoy; urban renewal programs that convert unused dangerous properties into age-friendly residential communities with walking access to downtown businesses and amenities; access to leisure and cultural activities (most of them low or no cost) that encourage social and civic engagement with their peers and younger people; and increased private and public transportation options including Uber and pedicabs.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan