Adding life to years
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Broome County, NY

Broome County, NY

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Broome County, NY  United States of America
Print this page City population: 20053622 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Broome County currently has a wealth of programs and services targeted toward older adults that are provided by a variety of community organizations, including the Broome County Office for Aging. Broome County has a well- known reputation of working with community partners to serve the needs of our older population. Examples of programs and services targeted toward older adults include but are not limited to Meals on Wheels, senior centers, meal programs, transportation, senior housing options, in-home services, health and wellness programs, health insurance counseling, mental health services, home repair programs, friendly visitor programs, shopping services, and extensive information and referral services. We are one of the few New York counties that still offers a local health & wellness option called “Senior Games” – in operation for over 27 years.

Broome County Office for Aging is a lead agency for the Broome County Long Term Care Council – a working forum fostering collaborative efforts between a variety of community organizations and consumers. The Broome County Long Term Care Council provides an opportunity to discuss older adults’ needs and service gaps and engage in policy-making processes. Broome County Office for Aging has a close partnership with Binghamton University College of Community and Public Affairs (Department of Social Work, Public Administration and Human Development) and Decker of School of Nursing. Binghamton University students enhance their skills by engaging with older adults through a variety of tasks during their internships at Broome County Office for Aging and at other community agencies. Broome County Office for Aging and other community organizations engage in planning and policy-making tasks with the ultimate goal of assisting older adults in remaining as independent as possible in their homes.

As part of the age-friendly process, community needs were assessed through a survey of residents age 55+, focus groups, Office for Aging internal data review, and input from key stakeholders.  The survey was distributed at over 100 locations and resulted in 2,157 responses regarding the current needs of local older adults, service gaps in the community, and needed age-friendly community features.  Workgroups, covering the 8 domains of livability, are meeting to review survey results and data from other sources, unmet needs identified through Office for Aging’s four-year plan, input from expert speakers, and current age-friendly features.  These workgroups consist of community members, nonprofit, business and government professionals, with support and coordination provided by the Office for Aging.  It is anticipated that a comprehensive age-friendly action plan will be completed in Summer of 2020.


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