Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Boroondara  Australia
Print this page City population: 18128920 % over 60Joined Network in 2012

In 2019, Boroondara’s second iteration of the five year strategy Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara came to the end of its implementation period. From 2014-2019, the strategy saw a number of age-friendly priorities achieved through cross-departmental collaboration within Council and coordination with our external stakeholders. Some of these achievements included:

  • Implementing the Casserole Club, now called Boroondara Cooks, as a pilot program to build social connection. The program grew to include 60 cooks matched with a diner across the municipality.
  • Nine community facility redevelopment projects were undertaken to improve accessibility, social connection and recreational opportunities for older adults.
  • Numerous street upgrades throughout the municipality to improve access and walk-ability for older pedestrians.

The year 2020 marks the next chapter of Boroondara’s age-friendly journey with the delivery of a new healthy ageing Plan, Add life to your years – Healthy Ageing in Boroondara. The Plan reaffirms council’s commitment to an age-friendly future, and reflects the priorities older adults said were important to them. The Plan also celebrates the achievements of the previous strategy, recognising the individual projects and initiatives which contribute towards creating an age-friendly city.

Boroondara takes a ‘whole-of-council’ approach to implementing its healthy ageing Plan, with annual actions developed in consultation with multiple departments. Actions are developed annually to address new issues as they arise and ensure Council actions are responsive to current community needs.

To guide Council, and assist in the implementation and regular evaluation of the Plan, the Add life to your years Advisory Committee has been established. The group meets quarterly and represents older community members, external service providers and organisations in the aged care industry.

Commitment Letter
Baseline Assessment


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