Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Bornova  Turkey
Print this page City population: 45000014 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

In the Bornova Municipality, various services have been provided to make Bornova more peaceful and safe for our older citizens. It also aims to provide health and social services that older adults need.

Bornova Municipality established its own Healthy Ageing Center in 2019 in order to support the independence of older citizens and to improve their existing health problems, and help maintain their well-being. In the center, psychological support training was given on “Falling in Old Age and Fear of Falling” as well as “Loneliness in Old Age”. In addition, physiotherapy and rehabilitation services have been made available. At the same time, sudoku activities, art and craft activities, cinema, book reading days, word games, quizzes, karaoke, English lessons, and exercise programs suitable for their age groups were organized to help facilitate healthy living and social inclusion.

Age-friendly activities in Bornova have been summarized under 5 main categories below;

  1. Home Care Services
    • Blood pressure measuring
    • Barber and shaving services
  2. Sports Activities
  3. Musical Activities
  4. Health Services
    • Patient transfers
    • Dental services
    • Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
    • Psychological consultancy
  5. Ozgul Gunduz Public Health Center