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Balneário Camboriú

Balneário Camboriú

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Balneário Camboriú  Brazil
Print this page City population: 13526812 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Created in 2015, the elderly person Secretariat from Balneário Camboriú-SPI is the only specific registry for this group in Brazil. The goal in cross-industry work is to ensure the rights laid out in the Elderly Statute. The methodology of work is divided into four areas: Mental and physical health (highlighting the programs Think, Academy of mind, Therapist Dog, Pilates, Yoga, herbal medicine, and Therapeutic Groups: Mental Age, healing of the soul); Self-esteem (aesthetic care); Education (literacy, foreign languages, Digital inclusion and Intergenerational Activities); Sport, tourism and recreation, and Protection.
At the area of protection, there is the Hug Program 12:00 am elderly victims of violence, in-person visits and through report. This one created on April 25 th 2017 and by January 2019 held 3108 attendances. The Hug Program was awarded by the Ministry of health and Fiocruz-Oswaldo Cruz, in 2018, as one of the fourteen best experiences of the country in the field of aging and health of the elderly person. The elderly person secretariat from Balneário Camboriú the won the 2018 human rights granted by the Ministry of human rights of Brazil.
The elders of this municipality are invited by means of radio, television, the homeowners ‘ Association, basic health units, reference Center for social assistance and social media to participate in activities planned each month under the supervision of technical professionals and volunteers offered free in 4 strategic regions of the municipality. The activities have the objective of social inclusion, physical and mental health, education and training for knowledge of the elderly person statute (Law 10741/03), culture, leisure and tourism. The Municipal Council of elderly person active participation in the elaboration of programs and projects involving this audience and your coordination is under for the elderly person municipal fund.
The municipality has established the Steering Committee monitoring and evaluation of the Municipal Action Plan of the elderly person who currently is responsible for following all the intersectoral actions involving the elderly person. Face-to-face meetings are monthly, with the participation of Secretaries, University and local Research Institute, Municipal Council of elderly person, representative of the civil society (Lions Club, Pastoral care of the elderly person) and representatives of the elderly.
The municipality has a Municipal Policy of the Elder (2015) and the Secretariat of the elderly person who carries out intersectoral programs and projects with a focus on healthy and active aging. 82 shares offer aimed at improving functional capacity through recreational activities, cultural, sports and training.
Consider to be an opportunity to exchange experience of planning and managing with limited resources.


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