Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Ambérieu-en-Bugey  France
Print this page City population: 1488821 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Since 2015, Ambérieu en Bugey wanted to promote “living well together”.
To put this will in place, the city is committed in a participative approach with seniors through:

* An offer of adapted senior housing: 2 EHPAD (dependent elderly housing facility) existing on the territory. The city also offers a support for the construction of senior residences
* Securing travel: accessibility of roads and sidewalks, public spaces and installation of adapted street furniture (benches, standing seated)
* The development of on-demand transport for outlying districts not served by the urban transport service, thus enabling seniors to go to the city center at least twice a week (market days / Wednesday and Saturday)
* The maintenance of health services, public services (post office, banks, legal services, CAF, etc.) and local shops
* The development of the cultural offer: lecture series on themes identified by seniors, visits outside the town, show and meeting time…
* The fight against isolation through intergenerational days such as MIX’AGES that allows everyone to gather around a theme: know-how, the garden, our 10 years etc …. and home visits framed by a group of volunteers.
* The organization of an annual forum dedicated to seniors, around themes such as health, well-being or leisure.
* A privileged welcome for seniors at commemorations, thus promoting their participation in civic life (reserved seats, marquees etc …)
Our city will continue to develop these different axes as they were identified in the action plan co-built with seniors and likely to evolve to take into account the aspirations of seniors.


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