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Brainstorming Workshop







“The Brainstorming workshop is looking at initiatives and ideas for the elderly in Sharjah”


The Executive Office of the Sharjah Age friendly program organized a brainstorming session on 28th April 2019.Entitled “Inspiration of Ideas for Future Initiatives of the Sharjah Age friendly City Program”. 82 senior citizens, inspirational figures, government, and non-governmental sector coordinators attended the session in order to share innovative ideas and initiate initiatives and activities that contribute to the development of services for the elderly in all sectors. The eight domains of Age-friendly program include Age-friendly community participation and Age-friendly civil participation, employment, community support, health services, outdoor spaces, buildings, respectful services, family integration, communications, information and housing. The tables were  distributed according to the  eight domains, which is:

  1. Outdoor spaces and buildings
  2. Transportation
  3. Housing
  4. Community participation
  5. Respect and social inclusion
  6. Civic participation and employment
  7. Communication and information
  8. Community support and health services.​​