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In the period before Easter, the Senior Center in Opole announced a competition for the Easter palm

In the period before Easter, the Senior Center in Opole announced a competition for the Easter palm. Making Easter palms follows the tradition of Palm Sunday. The competition was aimed at the senior community of the city of Opole. Competition palms were to be submitted to the SC until April 14, 2022. The competition results were announced on April 19, 2022. The competition was attended by:

  • Facility of Day Care “Nad Odrą” of the Municipal Family Support Center,
  • “Malinka” Daily Stay of the Municipal Family Support Center,
  • “Golden Autumn” Daytime Center of the Municipal Family Support Center,
  • Lifestyle Club,
  • Nowa Wieś Królewska Senior Club,
  • Świerkle Senior Club,
  • The Phoenix Club.

The committee, which was composed of: representatives of the Council of Seniors of the City of Opole of the 3rd Term, residents of the City of Opole and employees of the Center “Senior in Opole” decided to award the first place to all participants. The prizes in the form of gift baskets could be collected at the premises of the Center “Senior in Opole”.