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Fremont Hosts 2nd Community Dialogue!

On Wednesday April 25, 2018, Age-Friendly Fremont hosted its’ 2nd Community Dialogue. The successful event brought the community together, including residents, senior service providers, commissioners, and City of Fremont staff.  It was an opportunity to share the progress that has been made over the past year and continue to build upon understanding the needs of aging in place in Fremont’s ethnically diverse community. This year staff from other City departments, including Community Development and Parks and Recreation, participated in leading the small group sessions to hear about the needs from the senior community firsthand. The feedback from the Community Dialogue will help move forward the goal of developing a strategic plan for making Fremont an Age-Friendly community.

Age-Friendly Fremont is an initiative of the City of Fremont Human Services Department, as part of AARP’s Network of Age-Friendly Communities and an affiliate of the World Health Organization’s Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Program.

Fremont’s 2nd Community Dialogue 4-25-18