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Federal Law On The Rights of Senior Citizens



The UAE government has adopted Federal Law No. 9 of 2019 regarding the rights of senior citizens. According to the law, the term senior citizens applies to anyone who holds the nationality of the UAE and has reached the age of 60. The law aims to ensure that senior citizens enjoy the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution, information and services related to their rights and provide them with psychological, social and health care and stability. Sharjah city as one of the seven emirates follows this law to the right of the senior citizen and as an age friendly city.

The law guarantees the following rights for senior citizens:

– The right of independence and privacy, including their right to make decisions regarding their property and place of residence, among others.

– The right of protection from violence, abuse and neglect.

– The right of a qualified environment, housing, education and work, and enhancing the benefit from their capabilities and integrating them with society in all its age groups.

– The right of social services through institutions of senior citizens, clubs, community centers and mobile care units.
-The right of health care through the provision of preventive health care and insurance, home nursing and supportive devices.
-The right of preferential treatment which include giving the elderly a priority in housing request and completing the governmental document, obtaining medical aid, health service etc.
-The law stipulates penalties that include imprisonment, fine or both for every service provider who neglects his duties and committed violence or abuse against senior citizen. Likewise, anyone who knows of any of the crimes referred to the law not punished and did not immediately inform the Ministry of the community development or the nearest police station.