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“Dances in a circle” – dance classes at the “Senior in Opole” Information and Education Center

Out of passion for dancing and sympathy for seniors

The dance formation “Folki” is a group of seniors performing circle dances. From the very beginning of its existence, it has been operating in the premises of the “Senior in Opole” Information and Education Center, it was here that their adventure began in 2017. The workshops were initially carried out as part of a social project called “Movement activation and integration of seniors through Dances in a Circle”. Aleksandra Starczyńska (an employee of Municipal Family Support Center in Opole) is the project’s implementer and dance instructor.

Initially, the project assumed several dance meetings, and 8-10 women aged 50+ attended the classes. The workshops were becoming more and more popular, which is why they became a permanent, weekly activity at the Senior Center. Over time, the composition of the group stabilized. Currently, the dance formation consists of 15 joyful, positive women who love movement and dance. Costumes for the performances were purchased from the funds of the Senior Information and Education Center.

During the classes, seniors can feel some musical “taste” of different countries. The participants got to know Israeli, Ukrainian, American, English, Russian and Balkan dances. Some of the routines performed during the classes are traditional dances from different countries. Their history dates back to the distant past, but there are also contemporary choreographies. Dances are usually performed on a circle line, but there are also dances in processions and in lines. You can come to the classes alone, because there is no need to appoint partners in the circle. Each participant in the dance is important and necessary in creating a whole, and at the same time each person retains their perswonal difference and individuality.

“Folki” dance group is engaged in social campaigns. The group took part in an outdoor game organized as part of the Opole Senior Days. The participants performed at a picnic in the town of Krasiejów and during the opening of the Social Activation Centre.

Aleksandra Starczyńska, a dance instructor, draws her inspiration from traveling to other countries, as well as from dance courses and workshops in which she regularly participates. Every year he enriches his experience with new skills. From each training, she chooses the most interesting routines and a variety of music, so that everyone can find something for themselves.

Workshops are not only beautiful dances, but also a time of warm conversations, smiles, integration, strengthening relationships and mutual support.