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Chigasaki City Age-Friendly City Action Plan

Chigasaki City Age-Friendly City Action Plan 2021

As of October 1, 2020, our city had a population of 64,666 people aged 65 and over, and although the aging rate is lower than the national rate, it has reached 26.5%, meaning that more than one in four of our citizens is elderly. While the total population is expected to gradually decrease, the elderly population is expected to continue to increase, and the challenge is to create an environment where the elderly can continue to live in good health and vigor in their familiar communities. It is also important that healthy and motivated elderly people, as members of the local community, make use of the experience and knowledge they have accumulated over the years to play an active role in the community.
With this in mind, this plan aims to further deepen and promote the “community comprehensive care system” that provides medical care, long-term care, prevention, housing, and lifestyle support in an integrated and comprehensive manner, with an eye to 2025, when all baby boomers turn 75 years old or older.