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Chatty benches for spontaneous conversations

chat bench in oak for all ages

Watch a film about the chatty benches in Gothenburg

About twenty chat benches have been placed in Gothenburg, Sweden. The idea is that the benches, which have a call for conversation, will contribute to more spontaneous meetings between people, counteract the isolation and alleviate loneliness.

The chatty benches are part of the City of Gothenburg’s action plan for the Age-Friendly Gothenburg, a broad collaboration between administrations, companies and the elderly. And the benches have been exhibited in places the seniors said they like.

Create meeting places

The idea is to encourage cross-generational meetings.

– By exhibiting chatty benches, we want to create meeting places and contribute to increased accessibility and security in our urban environment, says Gunilla Åkerström, unit manager city life at the Park and Nature Administration.

The chatty benches are made of dark oak, have a yellow frame with armrests that should be easy to support yourself on. The Park and Nature Administration, together with other administrations and companies, has placed the chatty benches all over Gothenburg.

Do you want to know more? Please contact

Sofia Tillman, Project Manager, City of Gothenburg

Read an article in Swedish: Pratbänkar bjuder in till samtal