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Canada: Regional Municipality of Durham Age-Friendly Durham Strategy and Action Plan 2017

In June 2015, the Region of Durham received a grant from the province of Ontario to initiate an age-friendly community planning process. Durham Regional Council endorsed the Age-Friendly Durham Strategy and Action Plan in 2017. It is a framework to assist the Region of Durham and other community stakeholders in age-friendly planning in order to adapt to the changing needs and diversity of our residents. The Plan highlights major opportunities for improvement, implementation status, timelines, and potential partners. The Plan identifies 67 recommendations organized by the WHO’s 8 domains of community life:

Outdoor Spaces and Buildings



Social Participation

Respect and Social Inclusion

Civic Participation and Employment

Communication and Information

Community and Health Services

Fulfillment of these recommendations brings us closer to our vision of Durham Region as a community where all residents-regardless of age, ethnicity, race, gender, or ability- feel included, respected, and enjoy a high quality of life.

Region of Durham Age-Friendly Durham Strategy and Action Plan 2017