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„Bachata Solo”

„Bachata Solo” is a dancing activity accompanied with latin music style. It started in Opole Senior Centre 3rd March 2022. Not only senior women participated in this series of events. There was also one man willing to learn bachata dance. We have a professional coach to have been leading the group. The workshops are especially tailored to suit the seniors’ needs – setting the pace to particular groups as well as introducing steps and movements in an easy, clear way. Balancing difficulty level is also a crucial element as far as teaching dance routine is concerned. The coach aims at presenting and teaching the right technique of taking steps and other dance elements. As to senior participants, they provide the events with a plethora of enthusiasm, energy, positive attitude as well as the will to learn new skills and have fun accompanied by sounds of latino music. Thanks to acquiring tricks of bachata dance the senior ladies may tak an opportunity to rediscover their femininity, sensuality, practise fluent movements and the sense of rhythm.