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Australia: Canberra Report on Implementation of Strategic Plan For Positive Ageing

Executive Summary

“In 2009 the then-Minister for Ageing initiated the requirement for a whole‐of government Strategic Plan for Positive Ageing. The ACT Ministerial Advisory Council on Ageing (MACA) was tasked to assist in the development of the plan through community consultation and the wide involvement of ACT Government agencies.

Following three community consultation sessions, a draft plan was developed for public comment. This was subject to a further community consultation meeting, leading to the ACT Strategic Plan for Positive Ageing 2010‐2014: Towards an Age‐Friendly City being tabled in the Legislative Assembly in December 2009.

The Plan is based on seven Strategic Priorities: Information and Communication; Health and Wellbeing; Respect, Valuing and Safety; Housing and Accommodation; Support Services; Transport and Mobility; and Work and Retirement.

Each Strategic Priority has a number of Actions for the first reporting period to June 2011 and performance indicators associated with these Actions.

In 2010, Canberra joined the World Heath Organization’s Global Network of Age Friendly Cities. The Strategic Plan is closely compatible with the check‐list for age‐friendly cities. Monitoring implementation of the Plan has been carried out through a cross‐agency committee with MACA representation, by the Office for Ageing and though meetingsof Council members with agencies.

Reports have been provided by agencies on the level of achievement of performance indicators. These have been assessed by MACA as either Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved, or have been Noted. A number of the agency reports on the achievement of performance indicators indicate that a very useful basis has been established for the continuation of actions in the next reporting period and for setting a baseline for measuring future progress. Some suggestions are provided of possible matters to include in the next Action Plan.

Meeting Strategic Priorities was assessed as ‘Very Good’ for one category and ‘Good’ for six categories. There has been credible achievement in meeting the Strategic Priorities – a tribute to the many ACT Government officers involved in the implementation of the Plan. Notwithstanding the challenges in developing and implementing the first ACT Government Strategic Plan for Positive Ageing, MACA considers that implementation of the Plan for the first reporting period has been successful, delivering a firm foundation for future progress.”

Read the full report online [here].