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Age-friendly South Australia – Guidelines for State Government


“Global trends in urbanisation and population ageing require the development of strategies to ensure our communities and environments remain accessible for people at every stage of their lives and especially as they grow older.

South Australia is undergoing significant demographic changes to its population. South Australia has a faster ageing population than other mainland states. By 2031, there will be more than 440,000 people aged over 65, making up more than 1 in 5 of South Australia’s total population. People are living longer, and more people want to
continue living in the community of their choice for as long as possible. This has significant policy and planning implications, and presents great opportunities for our state.

The South Australian Government’s vision is to ensure that all people can lead active lives and access their community, easily and safely. Part of this vision is to plan and build physical and social environments that will optimise health and well-being and opportunities to participate in the workforce, civic and community life, as South Australians age.

South Australia’s Communities for All: Our Age-friendly Future responds to changing demographics and a growing awareness that the environments and communities in which we live significantly influences our health, well-being and happiness.”

Read the full set of guidelines online [here