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Age Friendly Leeds Strategy and Action Plan 2019 – 2022

Our new Age Friendly Leeds Strategy and Action Plan sets out the strategic context and our approach to achieving our ambition to be the Best City to Grow Old in.  Approved by our Age Friendly Board in May 2019, the action plan is structured around six topic areas adapted for Leeds from the WHO Age Friendly City domains:

  • Housing
  • Public and Civic Spaces
  • Travel and road safety
  • Active, included and respected
  • Healthy and Independent Living
  • Employment and learning

Cross cutting themes across all topic areas are:

  • Effective communications – providing information about services and activities in a range of formats that older people can easily access and which suit their needs
  • Access to digital technology – help and support for people who want to use digital technology to make their life better
  • Engagement and co-production with older people – involving and consulting with older people on the development, delivery, management and evaluation of services and projects which affect them
  • Inequalities – recognising the barriers faced by older people who are, or are at risk of, being vulnerable or disadvantaged, and putting interventions in place to remove or reduce these barrier

Progress is reported quarterly to the Age Friendly Leeds Board.

A framework to measure the impact of the action plan is in development with support from the Centre for Ageing Better.

Our new action plan and strategy can be viewed here:

AgeFriendlyLeeds strategy and action plan 2019 – 2022