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Age-friendly hotels

The Emirate of Sharjah always seeks to overcome all challenges faced by people with mobility disabilities and the elderly, in a way that contributes to their empowerment and ensuring their rights in various areas of life, taking into account the importance of integrating them into society.

The Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority is keen to support this category and work hard to create the appropriate conditions, atmosphere and infrastructure for them, to enable them to interact with other segments of society in order to achieve an ideal environment of happiness and stability.

From this standpoint, and in cooperation with the Sharjah age-friendly city office, the “” initiative was launched in the office’s strategic plan 2021-2023.

The initiative aims to prepare hotels in the Emirate of Sharjah to be suitable for the use of the elderly, especially those with a mobility disability, and hotels that meet the conditions are granted a certificate from the world disability union to certify that the hotel are “fulfilled to WDU certificate of accessible for physical disability. 4 hotels in Sharjah have been honored so far.