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Age-Friendly Communities Evaluation Guide – Using Indicators to Measure Progress

The Public Health Agency of Canada is pleased to announce the release of the Age-Friendly Communities Evaluation Guide – Using Indicators to Measure Progress. This guide contains general information about the evaluation process, as well as information and tools regarding specific indicators of age-friendliness. Forty-three (43) outcome indicators were developed through a rigorous process. The indicators are based on the eight domains of AFC (outdoor spaces and buildings; transportation; housing; social participation; respect and social inclusion; civic participation and employment; communication and information; and, community support and health services). The guide will equip communities implementing age-friendly initiatives with information and tools on how to evaluate their AFC activities in order to measure outcomes and success.

The guide is available in both official languages as a PDF and in HTML format on the Agency’s web site at: . We encourage you to share it with your respective networks.