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Age Friendly Cleveland Plan

Age Friendly Cleveland Action Plan 2017-2019 Abridged

Age Friendly Cleveland Action Plan 2017-2019

The development of the Age Friendly Cleveland Action Plan was guided by a diverse Advisory Council. The council consists of community members and key personnel from a number of city departments with expertise in one or more of the domain areas:

  • Outdoor spaces and buildings
  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Social participation
  • Respect and social inclusion
  • Civic participation and employment
  • Communication and information; and
  • Community support and health services.

A planning summit, focus groups with older adults residing in the City of Cleveland and input from the Age Friendly Cleveland Advisory Council helped to shape the strategies included in the plan. The plan contains 21 strategies for enhancing the age friendliness of Cleveland.   Eighteen strategies have been identified with a goal of completion over a three year period. There are an additional three overarching or on-going strategies. The plan includes a one page summary of each strategy and an implementation plan that includes key activities to be undertaken, resources, and metrics.