Adding life to years
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Age Friendly City Takarazuka Action Plan

We have set our basic principle as “Takarazuka – city of mutual support ~all generations admit and support each other and create community for better future~.” We focus on the future society which aging of population progress while whole population decreases. We work on to actualize the city where senior citizens have opportunity and place to actively participate, connected with others and live fulfilling lives.


We have 3 basic guides to implement our action plans to work with citizens and organizations to achieve 8 fields suggested by WHO:


Guide 1: City with people-friendly environmental improvements

Guide 2: City valuing personality in safe, worry-free environment

Guide 3: Each individual participate and involve with society by social contributions such as jobs and volunteer works.


Our goal is to make community people can help each other through the contributions of each individual by doing what they can do without defining the position such as the one to help or to be helped. In order for that, we want senior citizens to actively participate in community work with their abundant knowledge and experience. Administrative office will support people’s connection in the act of community making.