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Walker Rally in Oslo

Walker Rally in Oslo


Oslo Norway
Print this page City population: 62400011% over 60Practice started in 2017


In 2013, in the initial stages of the development of a new strategy for the future elderly care in Oslo, several initiatives were launched. In conjunction with the UN – International Day of Older Persons, 1st of October, the department for primary health and social affairs organize a week of activities for the elderly, culminating with the celebration of the international day of older people. One of the most popular initiatives, organized for the second time on the 23rd of September, is the “Walker rally”, where prizes are awarded for completion of a certain distance and also for the best decorated walker. It is also possible to take part using walking sticks and wheel chairs.

The walker rally promotes use of the city centre by the elderly, active ageing and a fun social activity for all involved. In addition to the city of Oslo, NGOs promoting health and nature and the council for senior citizens are involved. In 2013 there were around 70 participants; this year we had 140 and great press coverage. The initiative is a way to make Oslo a city for all ages, with activities for all ages and to make the city centre more accessible, safe and interesting for the elderly. The event promotes active ageing, physical exercise and making it a social and cultural event through musical elements and food being served. The increased number of participants, feedback from participants, nursing homes, senior centres and NGOs involved has been very positive and pointing to the fact there are not enough activities for the elderly population. The participants had young assistants, in vocational training to become healthcare assistants and enabled intergenerational contact. A group of retired policemen still active in senior patrols awarded diplomas and ensured a safe event.

Have a look at the film.

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Contact details

Name: Eva Graziano

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