Adding life to years
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Walker rally

Walker rally

Status: Ongoing


Oslo Norway
Print this page City population: 62400011% over 60Practice started in 2013


Organized annually, the “Walker rally” awards prizes to older adults for completion of a certain distance route in downtown, and also for the best decorated walker. It is an inculsive event, older adults can participate using walking sticks and wheel chairs. The walker rally promotes use of the city centre by the elderly, active ageing, intergenerational connection, and a fun social activity for all involved. In addition to the city of Oslo, NGOs promoting health and nature and the council for senior citizens are involved and attend to share resources and information. In 2013 there were around 70 participants; in 2014 140 people participated. The participants had young assistants in vocational training to become healthcare assistants, and this enabled intergenerational contact. The event also decreases the risk of social isolation and older adults’ anxiety around coming to the city centre. A group of retired policemen still active in senior patrols awarded diplomas and ensured a safe event.


Key facts

Main target group: Older people in general

Other target group(s): Older people living alone, People with mobility challenges, Civil society organisations, Volunteers

Other issues the Age-friendly practice aims to address:
  • Ageism
  • Accessibility
  • Inequities
  • Intergenerational activities

Other Issues: A fun activity for all involved, active and physical ageing. reducing stigma connected to walkers and wheel chairs

Contact details

Name: Rafoss, Anne Berit

Email address:

Preferred language(s): English

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Local authorities

Older people’s involvement: Older people helped to implement the age-friendly practice

Details on older people’s involvement: To ensure participation and create more positive images of ageing.

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: Yes

Please share with us what you found in detail:
Increase in number of participants. Great press coverage with a positive outlook on ageing. Promotion of active ageing and physical activity. Part of a week focusing on the elderly with a number of activities for, with and by older people. Increasing the offers of recreational activities for older people with walkers. Health promotion by way of demonstrating that older people with mobility challenges can still be physically active

Very positive feedback was received and there is an expressed desire for the practice to continue and become a yearly event

Expansion plans:
This initiative has now become a tradition that we organise on a yearly basis. We will continue to increase the number of activities during this week, especially focusing on feedback and involvement from seniors. We aim to increase the number of participants and thus active older citizens.

Looking back

In the future we aim to involve older people in the planning and implementation to an even greater extent and to explore closer collaboration with local businesses.

Recruitment of participants and more marketing activities.