Adding life to years
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Status: Ongoing


CORDOBA Argentina
Print this page City population: 1000.0007% over 60Practice started in 2018


Mientras el promedio de vida humana continúa en aumento, se plantea un gran desafío: otorgar más calidad a la vejez. A través de 16 talleres teóricos-prácticos de 2 horas cada uno se buscará brindar a los participantes herramientas para vivir un envejecimiento activo y saludable, llegando a esta etapa para continuar viviendo con el máximo grado de bienestar posible.
● Brindar herramientas de fácil entendimiento y prácticas para ser aplicadas al día a día para vivir un envejecimiento saludable
● Desmitificar la gran mayoría de creencias acerca de esta etapa de la vida, comenzando por la idea arraigada de que la vejez es, por programación genética, una etapa de sufrimiento para el ser humano
● Reforzar que el cerebro envejecido tiene una sorprendente capacidad para hacer nuevas conexiones, observar nuevos datos y, por lo tanto, adquirir nuevas habilidades
● Entender que el cese de las actividades laborales no es el fin de la vida productiva sino el comienzo de una nueva.


Key facts

Main target group: Older people in general

Sector(s): Education, Health, Information and communication, Social protection

Desired outcome for older people:
Learn, grow and make decisions

Other issues the Age-friendly practice aims to address:
  • Healthy behaviours (e.g. physical activity)
  • Intergenerational activities
  • Inclusion
  • Participation

Contact details


Email address:

Preferred language(s): spanish

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Private sector

Others involved in the project:
  • Social or health care provider
  • Research institution

How collaboration worked: We are a group of professionals from different careers (education – mental health – politologists – business administration – coaching) that we meet with the common objective of designing, developing and implementing a program for older adults. In this process we work in a group way being the final result of the project, a sharing of ideas and proposals, which resulted in a weekly program of 16 meetings that address different issues that make active, healthy and positive aging. We are a total of 8 teachers, we carry out the meetings in a pedagogical couple modality.

Older people’s involvement: Older people were involved in the age-friendly practice at multiple or all stages

Details on older people’s involvement: The role of older adults implies an active participation reflecting, interchanging and contributing opinions with the teachers and the rest of the participants throughout each encounter as well as participating in the practical activities that are proposed

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: Yes

Was the impact positive or negative:

Please share with us what you found in detail:
What we have been able to evaluate is how the older adults who attended the workshop began to apply in their own lives what they learned in the workshop and the great motivation that this generated in them to continue learning, which led to a special request to develop a second module, which is the advanced.

We have received positive and negative feedbacks. Basically the negative feedback had to do with the name of the activity, which they did not like (Aging successfully) and suggested changing it. The most important positive feedback was that the first group, with which the proposal was initiated, requested to continue with the activity throughout the remainder of the year, so we had to develop a second module. The result is that today we start the second half of the year with two levels of the workshop, initial and advanced.

Expansion plans:
Currently we have already extended to have to develop a second module, which began in this month (August 2018) because initially we were going to carry forward a single module. On the other hand we have been called by geriatric institutions to carry forward these workshops in their own residences, as well as by some local governments to know about this project and see the possibility of including it in public policies. We have also been invited to a Congress on Happy Communities in Quillota, Chile to present this activity.

Looking back

We will try to include as many practical aspects in the activity as possible, allowing them to better experience the ideas and concepts transmitted. We are looking to expand the topics that we address in each workshop, involving the participants in the assembly of the program and doing it jointly . To count in our body of professors with older adults that in addition to sharing their experience in the theme to be addressed are an example of an active and healthy old age

The most important challenges was to achieve a good call for attendees since the subject is very novel and little known. We solved it with the support of the Catholic University of Cordoba who was in charge of making an excellent diffusion of the proposal. Bearing in mind that this workshop is carried out within the framework of the “Beginning Program” Activity that the university develops for older adults and which consists of workshops of various themes, around 30