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Accessible transport for older people: the “Cyclopousse”

Accessible transport for older people: the “Cyclopousse”


The issue of urban transportation is a core part of the ability and capacity of all people to participate in the life of their community and is essential for social cohesion. At the same time, services do not always meet the needs of older people:  lack of accessible transportation, vehicles that are not adapted for people with mobility difficulties, and inadequate frequency of public transport.

In response to this challenge, the AREFO (Association Residences et Foyers) in an “associative public private” partnership with the region of Lyon (France) has implemented a transportation service that is accessible and tailored to older people.

The “Cyclopousse” is an innovative pedicab that can transport two people to the destination of their choice in a perimeter of 500 meters to 1.5 kilometer. Based on a proximity approach, it provides a friendly, comfortable and secure means of transportation particulary for whom inadequacy of transportation is often synonymous with isolation.


  • A connected process that encourages older users to maintain their links with the outside world as well as their social relationships. Besides, the program encourages labor market integration of drivers.  They are trained to welcome and support their older passengers.
  • An environmentally-friendly initiative. This non-polluting vehicle participates in a global ecological initiative that aims to optimize the quality of life of all citizens.
  • An accessible service. The trip is free for home health aides and inexpensive for users (1.90 euros for pedicab’s subscribers and 3.80 euros for non-subscribers).
  • An opportunity for communication. The walls of the pedicab are also privileged spaces for advertising.

With more than 20 000 trips since the launch in 2007, Lyon’s “Cyclopousse” has encountered a large success. The city is now planning to expand the system to new neighborhoods and areas.

For further information about this initiative and its implementation, please contact AREFO (l’Association Residences et Foyers) at:




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