Adding life to years
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Mesas técnicas


Para asegurarnos de que el plan de acción se lleve a cabo decidimos que todas las acciones deben ser gestionadas por la mesa técnica donde están presentes las principales universidades de la comuna con el fin de contar con recursos humanos, iniciativas nuevas y fomentar la interacción entre generaciones.

La mesa se reúne cada dos meses con el fin de conocer los avances y poder dar a conocer el status de sus compromisos. Es así como gracias a este formato hemos conseguido la realización de los grupos focales, conferencias, asesorías a establecimientos de larga estadía, investigación, entre otras iniciativas.

Los invitamos a poner en práctica este formato de trabajo que permite combinar la acción con la reflexión. Hemos echo grandes avances a medida que planificamos nuestro plan de amigabilidad.

To make sure that the action plan is carried out, we decided that all actions should be managed by the technical committee. The main universities of the city are part of it in order to have human resources, new initiatives and promote interaction between generations .

The committee meets every two months so we can know the progress and be able to know the status of their commitments. This is how, thanks to this format, we have achieved the realization of the focus groups, conferences, consultancies to eldery residence, social investigactions, among other initiatives.

We invite you to copy this work that allows you to combine think and act. We have made great progress as we plan our friendliness plan.



Key facts

Main target group: Both younger and older people (i.e. intergenerational)

Other target group(s): The people in charge of making the change

Sector(s): Other

Other sector(s): planification

Desired outcome for older people:
Meet their basic needs

Contact details

Name: Gabriela Castro Ramos

Email address:

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Local authorities

Others involved in the project:
  • Local authorities
  • Civil Society Organisation
  • Older People’s Association
  • Social or health care provider
  • Volunteers
  • Private sector
  • Research institution

Older people’s involvement: Older people were consulted during the planning process

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: Yes

Was the impact positive or negative:

Looking back

I Will compliment the focus group with more interviews and research

It has been really dificult to convince te coomunity that this is a priororoty. We have convinced yhem with facts