Adding life to years
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The Leighton-Linslade Community Agent is a role established by local charity Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity and is funded by Leighton Linslade Town Council’s Age Friendly programme. The Community Agent offers free support to isolated and vulnerable residents of our town. She can provide support with a range of issues including identifying any benefits residents may be entitled to and supporting them with completing applications, signposting to health, social and voluntary groups, support with occupational therapy assessments, help with feeling less isolated at home and support/respite for carers. The Town Council publicises the role in many different ways including our bi-monthly newsletter, social media, posters and local press. The Community Agent has also established many links with local organisations, retirement housing/care homes and attends numerous events to help reach people in need.
The role was established in September 2022 and has been hugely successful. Other Community Agent positions run throughout the county of Bedfordshire United Kingdom and the model has worked in both smaller villages and larger towns. The role of Community Agent works very closely with health groups in the town including social prescribers.
A challenge we have found in establishing the role is assessing whether the current Community Agent provision (currently funded for 14 hours a week) is sufficient for Leighton-Linslade and if not, what is the level of provision required. The Town Council and Community Agent work together to help track demand for the role and will seek to review the position annually.


Key facts

Main target group: Vulnerable older people (e.g. at risk or victims of abuse, living alone, poor etc.)

Sector(s): Health, Information and communication, Social protection, Transportation

Desired outcome for older people:
Learn, grow and make decisions

Other issues the Age-friendly practice aims to address:
  • Accessibility
  • Ageing in place
  • Healthy behaviours (e.g. physical activity)
  • Inclusion
  • Participation

Contact details

Name: Nina Bailey

Email address:

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Local authorities

Older people’s involvement: Older people were not directly involved

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: No

Do you plan to evaluate your age-friendly practice? Yes

Expansion plans:
Upon reviewing the impact of the role, Leighton Linslade Town Council may seek to increase the funding for role and expand the position.

Looking back

When initially rolling out the role, the Town Council needed to carefully consider how to promote the role so that vulnerable and isolated people would be able to receive support. This is still an ongoing process but working with organisations such as social prescribers has helped the Community Agent reach people she may not have previously been able to. The Town Council has also sought to distribute flyers and posters in spaces such as local corner shops.