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Leeds Older People’s Forum

Leeds Older People’s Forum


Leeds United Kingdom
Print this page City population: 79300020% over 60Practice started in 2017


Leeds Older People’s Forum, established in March 1994, aims to promote the well-being of all older people in the city of Leeds, and to give a more powerful voice to older people in shaping their city for the benefit of all its citizens.

Leeds Older People’s Forum does this by:

  • Representing older people’s views, needs and aspirations
  • Enabling older people’s organisations to participate fully in policy discussion and development
  • Enabling and sustaining good communication between individuals, groups and public, private and voluntary sector organisations
  • Supporting projects to enhance the wellbeing of older people in Leeds
  • Ensuring Leeds Older People’s Forum is an effective and well-run organisation.

Leeds Older People’s Forum has a membership of over 100 voluntary sector organisations working with older people across Leeds, including the Neighbourhood Network Schemes. The Forum supports its members and ensures the voluntary sector is involved in planning, developing and managing services for older people in Leeds.

Key facts

Contact details

Name: Carole Clark

Email address: