Adding life to years
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Jockey Club Age-friendly City project – “Story of My Life”


With the funding support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Helping Hand Cheung Muk Tau Holiday Centre for the Elderly organized the “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Story of My Life” between March and June in 2017.

A group of 50 youth volunteers were recruited to write up the life stories of 50 older people from the community. Through reviewing the past experiences, older adults were reaffirmed of their persistence and contribution. The youth volunteers were encouraged inspired by the vast experience and outlook of these older adults.

A total of 50 volunteers participated in the program and most of them were students from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The program consisted of a volunteer training session in which communication skills with older participants was shared. Four sessions were held for the volunteers to meet their respective older community members and to write up their life stories. One outing was organized jointly participated by both the volunteers and older community members, and a reunion was later held at the Holiday Centre. The life story books were displayed in the community at the end of the project.

1. To affirm older people of their past by reviewing their unique experiences
2. Through writing the life stories, youth volunteers can learn and appreciate the experience of the older population.
3. Through the exhibition of storybooks in the community, the general public can benefit as well.

Key facts

Main target group: Older people in general

Sector(s): Other

Other sector(s): Respect and social inclusion

Desired outcome for older people:

Other issues the Age-friendly practice aims to address:
  • Inclusion
  • Participation

Contact details

Name: Chun-ho AU

Email address:

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Local authorities

Others involved in the project:
  • Volunteers
  • Private sector
  • Research institution

Older people’s involvement: Older people were consulted during the planning process

Details on older people’s involvement: Through a series of interactions with the older participants, including interviews, an outing, and reunion, the volunteers got valuable chances to understand the lives of the older participants, especially in their past.

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: Yes

Was the impact positive or negative:

Please share with us what you found in detail:
The general public was moved by the stories and the older participants were recognized for their accomplishments and contributions to society.

Each storybook was uniquely designed according to its content and was much appreciated by the participants and their family members.

Looking back
