Adding life to years
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Good Neighborhood – Bon Veïnatge (GN-BV)

Good Neighborhood – Bon Veïnatge (GN-BV)

Status: Ongoing

Martorell Spain
Print this page City population: 28772Practice started in 2018


The Community Social Work Project (Good Neighborhood (Bon Veïnatge)) established in March 2018 and was incorporated into the Municipal Action Plan for older people. The approach was to create a network of contact points with commercial shops, pharmacies, optical clinics, centers for older people, and other relevant associations that can support the provision of necessary services for older adults.

The goal of this project is to facilitate contact and identification of older persons who may need help and support, either because of their cognitive and personal situation or because of their physical condition and connect these individuals with a network of established services in the community.

The 2 main objectives of the program are:

  1. Mobilize the community to reduce the number of people in isolation, or unwanted solitude.
  2. Help older people who wish to stay at home as much as possible, by supporting improvements in their well-being.


Key facts

Main target group: Vulnerable older people (e.g. at risk or victims of abuse, living alone, poor etc.)

Other target group(s): Older people in general.

Sector(s): Social protection

Other sector(s): Social Welfare and community development

Desired outcome for older people:
Build and maintain relationships

Other issues the Age-friendly practice aims to address:
  • Dementia
  • Elder abuse
  • Intergenerational activities
  • Inclusion
  • Participation
  • Technologies

Contact details

Name: Rivera, Alfred

Email address:

Preferred language(s): Catalan, Spanish, English

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Local authorities

Others involved in the project:
  • Local authorities
  • Social or health care provider
  • Volunteers

How collaboration worked:

Older people’s involvement: Older people were consulted during the planning process

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: No

Do you plan to evaluate your age-friendly practice? Yes

The need to incorporate volunteering and the difficulties of reaching immigrant populations of these ages

Looking back

In 2019, a group of social workers in the municipality sensitized to the problem, created a working group in order to work on the cases that may appear in the municipality. This group included health social workers, mental health professionals, social services and other organizations.

The main challenge is the detection and contact with people who have suffered or may be suffering abuse. Also in this group, people or families where a mental health diagnosis is present.