Adding life to years
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Estamos Juntos

Estamos Juntos

Status: Ongoing

Porto Portugal
Print this page City population: 23180025% over 60Practice started in 2019


Estamos Juntos Program aims to reduce the social isolation of the senior population, caused by increased longevity, the decline or absence of social networks and the lack of social responses.It is considered that the reduction of social isolation is structuring for the promotion of successful aging.The Program presents itself as a free solution for participating citizens, which integrates the technological and human components, continuously monitoring the elderly. It aims to be a support service in an emergency situation through teleassistance (available 24/365), which contributes to increasing the feeling of security and guarantees timely assistance in cases related to health, safety and housing. Furthermore, this response not only combats and prevents social isolation, but also has a human component, sensitive to social constructions and the connection that each person has to their space, allowing them to remain in their own home. The teleassistance and emotional support service is provided by a company specialized in these services.

The main objective of this Program is to promote social inclusion, the reduction of social isolation and affective relationships, contributing to the feeling of subjective security, essential to encourage elderly people to stay at home.

Estamos Juntos Program is aimed at people residing in the municipality of Porto, aged 65 or over, with non-existent/insufficient social support networks and per capita income below the national minimum wage.

Key facts

Main target group: Vulnerable older people (e.g. at risk or victims of abuse, living alone, poor etc.)

Sector(s): Social protection

Desired outcome for older people:
Meet their basic needs

Other issues the Age-friendly practice aims to address:
  • Ageing in place

Contact details

Name: Raquel Castello-Branco

Email address:

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Local authorities

Older people’s involvement: Older people were involved in the age-friendly practice at multiple or all stages

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: No

Do you plan to evaluate your age-friendly practice? Yes

Looking back

There are no challenges until now.