Adding life to years
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Capacitación a funcionarios de atención directa de público sobre Personas Mayores


Capacitación a funcionarios municipales, sobre atención hacia las Personas Mayores


Capacitar a los funcionarios que se desempeñan en atención directa a público, en materias atingentes al envejecimiento poblacional, trato, atención y consideraciones hacia este grupo etario.

Temáticas a abordar

  • Realidad Comunal y Municipal sobre Personas Mayores. Contexto y Cifras de Interés.
  • Nuevos desafíos comunales, referentes a Age Friendly World
  • Mitos sobre las Personas Mayores y el Envejecimiento.
  • Rol del funcionario publico hacia las Personas Mayores.
  • Terminología correcta y consejos útiles.

Formato de la capacitación

  • Clase expositiva de 30 minutos a todo personal municipal que dentro de sus funciones, se incluya la atención a público.
  • Entrega de material informativo.


  • Encargado Local de Age-Friendly World Network.


  • Teatro Municipal de San Miguel

Convocatoria Esperada

  • 100 funcionarios de la Municipalidad de San Miguel, los cuales, dentro de sus funciones se encuentre la atención de vecinos y vecinas de nuestra comuna, sin importar el Departamento donde realicen sus funciones.

Instrumento de Medición

  • Listado de Asistentes
  • Control al finalizar
  • Encuesta de Satisfacción

Indicadores de Desempeño

  1. Asistencia: 90% del NPC (Número de Personas Convocadas)
  2. Porcentaje de Aprobación sobre los contenidos entregados: 90% de aprobación (superior a nota 5)
  3. Satisfacción sobre la charla: 90% valora positivamente la realización de esta charla y sus contenidos


  1. Asistencia: 92% de asistencia
  2. Aprobación: 100% de aprobación
  3. Se logra el resultado esperado, actualizar al personal de atención directa sobre el trato, mitos y terminología referente al envejecimiento y a como convertir nuestro municipio en uno amigable con las personas mayores


Training for municipal officials on care for the older people objective


Train officials who work in direct service to the public in matters pertaining to the aging population, their treatment, care and other considerations towards this age group.

Topics to be addressed

  • Communal and Municipal Reality on Older People, context and data of interest.
  • New community challenges, referring to Age Friendly World.
  • Myths about Older People and Aging.
  • Role of public officials towards Older People.
  • Correct terminology and useful tips.

Training format

  • 30-minute lecture class to all municipal personnel who, within their functions, will include in their public work and service.
  • Delivery of informative material.

In charge

  • Age-Friendly World Network Local Manager.


  • Expected to be the Municipal Theater of San Miguel.


  • 100 officials of the Municipality of San Miguel, which, within their functions, are the care of neighbors of our commune, regardless of the Department where they perform their functions.

Measuring instrument

  • List of Attendees.
  • Test at the end.
  • Satisfaction survey.

Indicators of performance

  • Attendance: 90% of the NPC (Number of People Summoned)
  • Percentage of approval on the contents delivered: 90% approval (above grade 5)
  • Satisfaction about the talk: 90% positively value  of this talk and its contents


  • Attendance: 92% attendance
  • Approval: 100% approval
  • The expected result is achieved, updating the direct care staff on the treatment, myths and terminology regarding aging and how to make our municipality friendly to the elderly

Key facts

Main target group: Both younger and older people (i.e. intergenerational)

Other target group(s): Public officials of the Municipality of San Miguel

Sector(s): Information and communication

Other sector(s): Customer Support

Desired outcome for older people:

Other issues the Age-friendly practice aims to address:
  • Ageism
  • Accessibility
  • Elder abuse
  • Inclusion
  • Participation

Contact details

Name: Sebastián Moya Gómez

Email address:

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Local authorities

Others involved in the project:
  • Local authorities

Older people’s involvement: Older people were consulted during the planning process

Details on older people’s involvement: Based on our community diagnosis, we identify that good treatment by officials when attending a public service is essential for the elderly in the satisfaction of their visit, in addition to achieving better results and avoiding more visits than necessary

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: No

Do you plan to evaluate your age-friendly practice? Yes

After the training, spontaneously and voluntarily, the officials expressed the quality and value of what was discussed, which is definitely knowledge that is easily applicable.

Expansion plans:
Yes, the objective is to continue to carry out this training to more relevant public officials.

Looking back

It would improve the delivery of information for greater participation.

The main challenge is to penetrate the bureaucratic structure of the public service, break paradigms and make new ways of work visible.