Adding life to years
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Activity of the Senior Council of Opole City in the second term – 2016

The Senior Council took steps aimed at defining objectives to be fulfilled within the current term. 18.02.2016 and 11.04.2016 Ms Iwona Niedojadło, senior policy coordinator, organized and chaired Senior Council workshops with the object of establishing an activity scheme which resulted in passing a resolution 2/2016 dated 6 May 2016 to be implemented in the forthcoming future.

The Council determined a new vision of the city as follows: „ Opole is the all-friendly city that takes into consideration various needs of its citizens with the respect of their age accordingly.”

Our mission: “Representing senior community towards local authorities as the presidential advisory body”

Our aim: “Improving living conditions of the senior citizens in Opole” along with minor objectives.

The council presidency sets a range of tasks to be carried out within a six-month course and makes assessment of their implementation as well as accomplishment on a yearly basis in summary workshops.

“Optimists of Opole” – an informal group of two Council members and senior policy coordinator – tabled proposal “Senior Councils Meeting of  Opole Region” to be performed under Citizen Initiative Fund. The group included as follows: Iwona Niedojadło, Leokadia Kubalańca and Teresa Sokołowska. Their agenda was approved and proceeded for further implementation.

8-9 July 2016 Student Culture Centre in Opole held a meeting featuring representatives of senior councils from all over the region. Both lectures and workshops were conducted on a voluntary basis by the chair people mentioned above.

Two days of common efforts were gathered in booklet “Let’s Go Professional. Regional Senior Council Meeting” then published in two forms – traditional and electronic. The text was sent to all participants afterwards.

Senior Council submitted for approval two projects for the Local Citizen Budget. First of them tabled along with six senior clubs called “When the Sun of Life Is About to Set, Let’s Involve Them, Not Forget.” They applied for additional finance for existing senior clubs as well as starting two new ones.

The second project was rendered in cooperation with “Opole na TAK” Society. It revolved around setting up various types of “theme” benches (musical, green, common, conversational, narrow etc.) around the city squares, along streets, and at the outskirts.

The Senior Council took an active part in implementation and proliferation of “Envelope of Life” featuring one’s health data required for medical rescue services that help single elderly and disabled people.

The Council also participated in a very active way in holding Senior Days as well as Easter Meal that took place in Opole Market round the City Hall


It was also our idea dating back to 2016 to start Senior Days from a street parade led by our friend, Maria Białek dressed in traditional local costume presenting various historical periods.

Furthermore, the Council started a series of meetings in senior nursing homes as well as educational trips and cultural occasions. We were present at the events as follows: II National Meeting of Senior Centre Representatives in Poznań, Trade Fair “VIVA Senior,” National Congress of Senior Councils in Kraków, and III National Gathering of Senior Centre Representatives in Opole


We took part in designing the Senior Council website located in vortal “Senior in Opole” as well as played an active role in Senior Trade Fair in Opole Centre for International Conferences and Entertainment.

One of the goals we managed to achieve was to become prime mover and financial backer of the annual “Saint Andrew’s Day 60+” celebrations.

Under the decision of the City President there was established Information and Educational Centre “Senior in Opole.” At that time a new facility chosen by the Council was still under construction.

In summary, the second term of Senior Council was a very active time, full of events that gave cause for great satisfaction and joy amongst our members.