Adding life to years
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Brighton & Hove

Brighton & Hove

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Brighton & Hove  United Kingdom
Print this page City population: 28815517 % over 60Joined Network in 2013

Brighton & Hove joined the WHO Age Friendly Cities and Communities Network in 2013 in order to encourage active ageing and optimise opportunities for health, wellbeing and participation of older people. We expect that this approach will raise the profile of older people and place prevention and wellbeing at the core of services for older people. The approach has support from all the main political parties and is a key objective in the city council’s corporate plan.

We are currently in the process of completing our City Assessment which is informed by a range of qualitative research, our Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and ongoing consultation with older people. We are discussing our findings with strategic partners and drawing up action plans to address issues identified. We have reviewed Transport and Open Spaces and are about to explore Housing. The programme is led by a senior public health manager, supported by a multi-agency steering group of council staff, key local agencies and older people’s groups. The Steering Group meets regularly. It is important to challenge the stigma attached to growing older and start viewing older people as assets.

Research shows that happiness levels start to rise after 50 and old age can be a time of true well-being. By encouraging active participation and positive depiction of older people, the Age Friendly City approach is raising the profile of older people and helping to make Brighton & Hove a city for all ages.


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