Adding life to years
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Older People’s website for information and advice

Older People’s website for information and advice


All our research shows that older people need good quality information and advice to enable them to manage their lives and access support when they need it. In Newcastle upon Tyne we responded to this need by developing a comprehensive information website developed with and for older people – The website includes advice and information on a wide range of issues identified by older people. It is regularly updated to make sure the information is accurate and up to date. The website has been widely promoted amongst older people, their families and front line staff. It is well used and regularly attracts over 10,000 visitors per month.Alongside the website, Information NOW publishes a weekly e bulletin which is distributed to over 750 individuals every week. The bulletin contains information about website updates, but also includes information about new research, policy changes and new services and activities which may be of interest to older people. The bulletin has a 10% click rate which is well above industry average. Information NOW is widely promoted in the city via information events aimed at older people, their families and organisations that work with older people. Sessions on Information NOW are also included in front line staff induction programmes, to ensure that the staff supporting older people are well informed about services in the city.


Key facts

Main target group: Older people in general

Sector(s): Information and communication

Desired outcome for older people:
Learn, grow and make decisions

Other issues the Age-friendly practice aims to address:
  • Accessibility

Contact details

Name: Douglas, Barbara

Email address:

Preferred language(s): English

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Local authorities

Older people’s involvement: Older people were involved in the age-friendly practice at multiple or all stages

Details on older people’s involvement: Elders Council lead the way in demonstrating how older people can be involved in identifying issues of concern, and in participating in co-producing solutions. The development of Information NOW is a clear example of how older people identified the issue, and then worked closely on the development and regular reviews of the website to constantly improve the design and accessibility.

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: No

Age Friendly City is a long term strategic change agenda. It is a challenge to find ways of engaging partners, particularly when there are immediate pressures, exacerbated by austerity. Identifying and publicising examples of small, effective changes can help to build confidence and commitment to the agenda.

Expansion plans:
We are constantly identifying opportunities to introduce the concept of how the city can adapt to demographic ageing into policy and service development. We do this by identifying an issue of concern e.g. ageing workforce and then seeking out key partners to engage in developing a strategic approach to raising awareness of the issue and jointly developing solutions through new policy, new services or new ways of working.

Looking back

Age-friendly is a complex agenda often associated exclusively with older people. It has taken us time to develop a narrative which focuses on how the city is adapting to demographic ageing and to understand what that means for the infrastructure, services and all citizens. Having a strong narrative and vision from the outset, might have helped us to engage more effectively with partners.

Age friendly is such a broad and complex agenda, it is challenging to identify and make progress in a way which delivers real change to the infrastructure, systems and services in the city, rather than short term projects which may not deliver sustainable change. We have benefitted from strong political leadership in championing ‘age friendly city’ and we have worked hard to develop a strong and diverse partnership to champion and drive change.