Adding life to years
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Yarmouth, Maine

Yarmouth, Maine

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Yarmouth, Maine  United States of America
Print this page City population: 834921 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

28 units of senior affordable housing (Bartlett Circle) will double with opening of Bartlett Woods in July 2017. Yarmouth Community Garden provides fresh produce in season for residents of Bartlett Circle and Yarmouth Falls (section 8 primarily senior housing). Meals on Wheels site provides meals to homebound seniors (currently 9, with efforts underway to identify additional customers; MOW site provides weekly congregate lunch for Yarmouth and area seniors. Yarmouth Senior Rides provides volunteer drivers to meet senior transportation needs; AIP team promote other transportation options including BREEZ and ITN; Bus to Maine Mall from 5 Yarmouth bus stops to be added starting in March 2017 in collaboration with YCAN and Yarmouth Community Services. Volunteer snow shovel brigade added this winter with plans to expand to other volunteer opportunities. STAY tax reduction ordinance passed by Town Council last fall. List of social opportunities at various venues is available at Library and Town Hall , and online. Medical (equipment) loan closet available for all residents. Programs for adults and targeted rides for those who need transportation. Providing space for seniors to gather at history center in collaboration with YCAN. Yarmouth Community Center Planning Team in place with goal of creating a multigenerational community center. Project Reassurance in collaboration with Police and Rescue targets seniors who are housebound by daily call in protocol. Future plans include providing resources for home caregivers, referral list of vendors/contractors who agree to be a resource to seniors in Yarmouth, home modification teams to assist with projects that make a home more age friendly, and improving both indoor and outdoor accessibility.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan