Adding life to years
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Alexandria, Virginia

Alexandria, Virginia

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Alexandria, Virginia  United States of America
Print this page City population: 15057514 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

The Strategic Plan on Aging

The Alexandria of Our Future: A Livable Community for All Ages

Current Goals: 2013 2017

  • Communications and Outreach: Information about services and programs is readily

available and accessible in a variety of formats and venues for older residents of

Alexandria, their families and caregivers, local organizations and businesses.

  • Housing: A range of affordable, accessible and supportive housing is available that

meets the needs of older residents of the City to be able to age at home.

  • Transportation: A variety of mobility options, including pedestrian-safe streets, make

moving in and around the city and region possible for Alexandrians of all ages and


  • Community Services: Community services accommodate the expectations and needs of

aging Alexandrians and support their caregivers.

  • Economic and Workforce Development: The important contributions of older

Alexandrians to the city’s economy are recognized, and the innovative entrepreneurship

of older residents is encouraged.

  • Quality of Life: The quality of life of all Alexandrians is enhanced by the many

volunteer activities of its older residents and their continued involvement in the social

and civic life of the city

  • Health, Wellness and safety: All residents, with special attention to lower-income, older

city residents, optimize their wellness and receive the health care they require.

Strategy and Action Plan