Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Toulouse  France
Print this page City population: 44734017 % over 60Joined Network in 2015

The city of Toulouse began the Toulouse Age-friendly programme to develop a real politic of closeness, health, well-being and solidarity for Seniors.

The ambition of the programme in Toulouse is to propose a new approach to municipal action.

Several working approaches have been developed to make our project a success :

  • prevention of isolation and precariousness
  • information/communication/access to public services
  • prevention of the effects of the ageing
  • access to the cultural, sports and digital laisure activities
  • initiatives favouring the intergenerational exchanges
  • access to housing and the development of care facilities.

This program attempts to respect the needs of our Seniors according to the age brackets to improve their quality of life and ensure their place in our city.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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