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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Kilkenny  Ireland
Print this page City population: 9541917.1 % over 60Joined Network in 2013

The Kilkenny Age Friendly Programme commenced in 2010. The initiative was endorsed by the County Manager Joe Crockett who appointed a Project Manager, Catriona Bambrick to manage the adoption of the initiative. Four years on the Alliance and Older Peoples Forum have produced their second annual report 2012-2013, outlining the extensive progress made since its adoption. The strategic Alliance consists of key decision-makers from various agencies.

What did Older People tell us:

The consultation process that took place across County Kilkenny identified three key areas that were of vital importance to older people and these include:

  • Respect and Social Inclusion
  • Outdoor Spaces
  • Physical Environment and Public Services
  • Supports to Stay Living in the Home

How has the County responded:

Following the production and launch of the strategy in late 2010, an action plan was developed jointly with the Older Persons Forum. Given the structure of the County it was agreed that working groups that would focus on the key critical areas to execute the actions was the best approach to implementation.

Respect & Social Inclusion: The Business of Ageing Forum currently work with Kilkenny Tourism, the Chamber of Commerce and Kilkenny businesses to develop age friendly subsidies and services in shops, restaurants and visitor attractions. In January 2013, Kilkenny Age Friendly County Limited received an innovation voucher from Enterprise Ireland and engaged RIKON Limited to consolidate and document an Age Friendly Business Strategy for Kilkenny for 2013-2016. .

Outdoor Spaces, Physical Environment and Public Services: Kilkenny County Council continue to improve the amenity value of the city with particular reference to the needs of older people. Seating has been provided at a number of locations and the completion of the rehabilitation of James Green which consists of age friendly seating, new lighting together with general improvements in accessibility.

The Age Friendly County Office, in partnership with the Older People’s Forum and the Carers Association, identified age friendly hotels and guest houses based on access, hoist friendly bedrooms and wet rooms, where discount is provided. A number of subsequent publications have been made available by Fáilte Ireland and Kilkenny Tourism in relation to age friendly hotels and offers for the over 55’s age group. The hospitality sector in particular has been very proactive in relation to servicing the older consumer.

Supports to Stay Living in the Home: Following multi-agency consultation a process is now in place between occupational therapists in the acute sector and the Local Authority to communicate in relation to applicants of the scheme that would be deemed a priority by the multidisciplinary team for home adaptations necessary for discharge. The Directors of Nursing of the public residential units are represented on the Service Provider Forum and this has improved networking and increased awareness of the service available to the residents of the homes and vice a versa.

For more detailed information on these and the other commitments / actions please refer to the Kilkenny Age Friendly Strategy.


Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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