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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Regina  Canada
Print this page City population: 22640515.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

The City of Regina has created an Accessibility Plan, which was developed with an age-friendly lens. Older adults were among the key stakeholders informing the plan. The plan addresses common priorities of older adults, including improved sidewalk maintenance and snow removal, transit accessibility and communications. Ongoing engagement with older adults is built into the Plan’s implementation plan.

The City of Regina provided a report to council in November 2023 on the experiences of 2SLGBTQIAP+ communities in Regina which included engagement from youth and older adults within 2SLGBTQIAP+ communities. The report provided several short and long-term recommendations to make Regina a more inclusive place for 2SLGBTQIAP+ people.

In acting on commitments described in the City’s Adapted Recreation Plan, inclusive and adapted recreation programming has expanded for all ages, including intergenerational and older adult specific programs. These are offered in free, low-cost, and paid options. Additionally, services are offered to support older adults in becoming more active in community leisure. For example, the affordable access program helps low-income households receive discounted rates for programs and facilities, and the Inclusion Support Service offers individualized support to help find, navigate, and participate in City recreation. The City works closely with agencies (such as Saskatchewan Health Authority) and community-based organizations to educate on services and help ensure a flow of service and support is provided to those who need it.

The City of Regina is also developing an Indigenous Framework. The Indigenous Framework project is led by a diverse team of City of Regina staff in conjunction with community organizations and an Indigenous owned consulting company. The project includes extensive engagement with all members of the Indigenous community from youth to seniors.

Baseline Assessment


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