Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Helmond  Netherlands
Print this page City population: 9594025 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

Social Domain Framework 2024 – 2028 Participate, get by and get ahead:

The Social Domain Framework (Kadernota Sociaal Domein) is a vision document in which Dutch municipalities determine their course in the social field every four years. Central to municipal social policy is the ambition to enable all residents to participate, if necessary with care and support from the social domain. We want our residents to be able to grow old vitally and happily in an environment that meets their needs and to remain in control of their own lives for as long as possible. However, we also note that the current level of facilities is under pressure.

Self-reliance and timely anticipation of changing living conditions are becoming more important. Caring for each other must become self-evident again. And for those who need it, accessible facilities must be available, close to home. In addition, there must be a suitable place for everyone to live. The number of older people will increase in the coming decades. In 2040, a quarter of the Helmond population will be 65 years or older. Approximately 20% of this target group is vulnerable and/or lonely, lacks a purpose in life, experiences little control over their own life, and finds it difficult to ask for help. The demand for care – and therefore the costs – of this group is increasing sharply. In combination with the tightness on the labour market, the decrease of informal caregivers, and the stagnant flow on the housing market, a different approach is necessary to achieve future-proof support and care for older persons in Helmond.

Baseline Assessment


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