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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Okotoks  Canada
Print this page City population: 3021421 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

Okotoks is striving to become more age-friendly to meet the needs of our community members who are 65 and older. Our policies are mindfully designed to promote healthy and active aging, help older adults maintain independence and ensure they are engaged as active participants in all aspects of community life. To achieve this the age-friendly subcommittee was formed in 2020 and developed an Age-Friendly Okotoks Action plan which was completed in December 2022. This Action Plan was aligned with Municipal Plans and in accordance with public participation, asset mapping and a population and demographic review. The outcome was a What We Heard Report that identified 70 action items across the 8 WHO Dimensions of an age-friendly community. These were then broken down into long, mid and short term goals with assigned strategies and identified community partners to support successful implementation. Council committed to continuing improvements to accessibility, enhancing engagement with older adults, and engaging older adults with lived experience of inequity to contribute their unique experience to make Okotoks more age-friendly. Further commitments include ensuring civic participation and employment, improvements to transportation infrastructure, improving awareness of existing programs and services, improvements to affordability and accessibility in housing and the range of home ownership and rental options for older adults, improving navigation of existing programs and services and developing new partnerships. Additionally the Town of Okotoks is committed to developing relationships with community serving organizations that have a lens on supporting older adults in our community. This includes facilitating a Regional Interagency Group, attending a Seniors Interagency Group and developing relationships with community partners to address gaps, challenges, trends or concerns with a solution focused lens.


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