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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Seocheon-gun  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 4996450.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

Currently, Seocheon-gun has several policies to response to the needs of older persons.  For example, Seocheon-gun supports the issuance of transportation cards for vulnerable people such as older persons who use public transportation. This is to secure the right to travel and improve the convenience of public transportation for vulnerable users. In addition, Seocheon-gun is deploying dedicated personnel to measure the satisfaction of older persons with various services.

Seocheon-gun provides support for older persons in many ways, including jobs, safety, transportation, education, and health. For example, in order to prevent traffic accidents and ensure older persons’ safety when walking, elderly protection zones were designated in areas at risk of traffic accidents and traffic safety facilities were installed. In addition, in order to support the stable residential life of low-income older persons who do not own a home, Seocheon-gun operates 107 housing apartments reserved for older persons.

The plan for creating an age-friendly city in Seocheon County consists of three stages. The first stage focuses on establishing physical, social, and legal frameworks. This involves creating the foundation for age-friendly living in Seocheon County, constructing a comfortable living environment, and building a physically age-friendly environment. The stage also includes promoting the atmosphere of developing an age-friendly city through various publicity efforts.

The second stage is the construction and stabilization stage, where governance is stabilized through public-private cooperation and the first stage of the plan is monitored and evaluated. Based on social consensus, a social atmosphere will be created in which all residents participate in an age-friendly city.

The third stage is the maturity and advancement stage, which has many ripple effects related to the creation of an age-friendly city. In addition, as Korea as a whole enters an aging society, the status of Seocheon-gun is expected to rise.

Seocheon-gun aims to create an age-friendly city where people of all ages can live together through current policies and future age-friendly city creation plans.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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