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Launching the fourth round of the age-friendly institutions initiative

The “Sharjah Age Friendly Office” in the Department of Social Services in Sharjah launched a guide to participation in the age-friendly institutions initiative is in its fourth session, which aims to encourage governmental, private and semi-governmental institutions to create programs and services that help the elderly, facilitate their lives and contribute to their integration into society.

The initiative stems from the interest of the Emirate of Sharjah, which has given attention and care to the elderly, and to achieve leadership in the field of serving this category.

In the interest of the “Sharjah Age-friendly Office” to implement international standards for age-friendly cities in institutions that provide services to the elderly, the office has set conditions and standards for institutions to be accredited as age-friendly institutions according to the engineering requirements and standards for accessible and distinguished services which will reflect on other groups in society as well, such as people with disabilities. Thus, these institutions guarantee social integration and encourage active aging by improving opportunities for inclusion and achieving participation.